
Unpacking the Damaging Side Effects of Sissoco Embalo Against Pan-African Politics

Unpacking the Damaging Side Effects of Sissoco Embalo Against Pan-African Politics

Introduction The current president of Guinea Bissau, one of the West African countries, President Umaru Sissoco Embalo, is a prominent figure in Pan-American politics because the country recently enjoyed the spotlight in 2020 when he was elected and sworn in as the youngest African president. It gave him a lot of edge, including becoming the Chairman of ECOWAS, backed by the then president of Nigeria, President Mohammed Buhari. However, he has been making headlines recently for the wrong reasons and his controversial actions. While Embalo's intentions may be subjective, the consequences of his decisions have been objectively devastating for the…
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King Charles III Diagnosed With Cancer, Says Buckingham Palace

King Charles III Diagnosed With Cancer, Says Buckingham Palace

King Charles III has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, says Buckingham Palace. It is not prostate cancer, but was discovered during his recent treatment for an enlarged prostate. The type of cancer has not been revealed, but according to a palace statement the King began “regular treatments” on Monday. Buckingham Palace says the King “remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible”. He will postpone his public engagements and it is expected other senior royals will help to stand in for him during his treatment. No further…
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Russia’s Putin Congratulates Charles III As He Takes Oaths To Become King

Russia’s Putin Congratulates Charles III As He Takes Oaths To Become King

Charles III has sworn an oath as he was proclaimed king during an elaborate ceremony at St James’ Palace, London on Saturday. The death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II was formally announced by the Accession Council. It was after then that Charles III was named as king. Russian President Vladimir Putin was among the first set of World leaders to send goodwill messages. Shortly after the official proclamation of King Charles III at a pomp-filled ceremony in London, the Russian strongman offered his “sincerest congratulations”.  King Charles III “Please receive my sincerest congratulations on your accession to the throne,”…
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Kenya Elections: William Ruto, Raila Odinga In Tight Race For President

Kenya Elections: William Ruto, Raila Odinga In Tight Race For President

BBC News, Nairobi13 August 2022 With almost half of the results from Kenya's presidential election now confirmed, the two main candidates are running neck and neck. Deputy President William Ruto has taken a slight lead over ex-Prime Minister Raila Odinga - 51% against 48%. The head of the electoral commission has admitted that announcing the result of Tuesday's election is too slow. The verification of results has been stopped several times after complaints by supporters of the main candidates. Ruto...ahead On Saturday night, Mr Odinga's supporters entered a restricted area and accosted electoral officials, accusing them of tampering with the…
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As Sanctions Bite, Russia Goes On The Offensive

As Sanctions Bite, Russia Goes On The Offensive

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reacted to the ongoing mass withdrawal of companies from his country over its invasion of Ukraine. On Thursday he endorsed a plan to nationalize foreign-owned businesses that flee the country. The Russian government has been alarmed over job losses and other economic pain the exodus is inflicting. Putin’s approval of the plan, scheduled to be discussed in Russia’s parliament, came as Goldman Sachs said it was “winding down” its business in Russia, following hundreds of other Western firms that have closed or suspended operations. During a meeting with government officials Thursday, Putin said Russia must…
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Russia’s Media Decry Western ‘hysteria’ Over Ukraine

Russia’s Media Decry Western ‘hysteria’ Over Ukraine

As fear of a Russian invasion of Ukraine builds in the West, Russia’s usually propaganda-heavy media has been curiously quiet. For the most part, most Russians see the upbeat of events in Ukraine as "hysteria" induced by the West, most especially the US. On recent TV news bulletins, the crisis – which has seen Russia mass around 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border amid widespread fears of an invasion – is rarely given top billing. On Tuesday night, the Ukraine situation was relegated to fourth place in the nightly news broadcasts on Russia’s three main TV channels. Instead, broadcasters led…
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How resort collections conquered the fashion cycle

How resort collections conquered the fashion cycle

Fun, as you might imagine, was not how I would describe this adventure. Awesome? Yes. Fun? No. N.O. No way. But would I do it again? If I could rewind to that moment when the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. to throw on clothes, grab our packs and trek up that mountain, would I? You bet your buttons I would. Here’s lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences…
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Science explains why we should all work shorter hours in winter

Science explains why we should all work shorter hours in winter

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